What is Spiritual Direction? Have you ever wondered exactly what Spiritual Direction is and why a person should seek out a Spiritual Director? Spiritual direction is the art of Christian listening, a sacred relationship in which a director helps someone to uncover and discover the direction of God in their lives. A Spiritual Director has been called by God and trained to companion another person on the spiritual journey.
Why Seek a Spiritual Director?
God speaks to us in our relationships, our work, our prayers, our challenges and dilemmas so that is the material for spiritual direction. Maybe you have a serious issue for discernment or are going through a transition. Possibly you are feeling dry in your prayer and would like to explore that with someone. Maybe you have an inner yearning or desire for a greater intimacy with God. These are some of the reasons we seek out spiritual direction.
Spiritual Director in Holy Family Parish that is commissioned by the Diocese of Austin is: Deacon Tim Dorsey
If you would like to explore the possibilities of having a Spiritual Director, please contact Deacon Tim at (972) 977-0487.
Contact Cedarbrake Retreat Center at (254) 780-2436 for other Diocesan approved Directors.