"My Brother's House" Food Pantry
(254) 547-5206
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am to 1 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm
(Assistance for residents of Copperas Cove/Kempner. Must have proof of residence and identification.)
For financial assistance please call (254) 547-5207, leave a message. Assistance with utility bills (electric, gas, and water). No deposits or rental assistance. Financial assistance is not provided through the church office.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society: An international association of Catholic laypersons engaging systematically in personal service of the poor.
Founded in May,1833, when eight young men, students at the Sorbonne, assembled in the office of the "Tribune Catholique" to formulate plans for the organization of a society whose object should be to minister to the wants of the Parisian poor.
The conference of SVdP at Holy Family offers a number of outreach ministries to those in need, including the Food Pantry, located on the Holy Family parish campus.